Wisdom Cloud Platform


Acloud Smart Cloud Platform is an operation service platform with deep integration of photovoltaic power stations and the Internet, which aims to provide safe production management, maintenance guarantee, equipment management camp and other services for clean energy assets throughout their life cycle. Provide module level data monitoring, big data analysis, and proactive maintenance based on big data for power stations, monitor equipment operation at any time, evaluate power generation status, operational level, and maintenance efficiency.

  • Acloud
  • 100%

    Data visibility
  • 100%

    Fault localization rate
  • 100%

    Component coverage
    • More secure

      The Acloud platform starts from the risks of nature, equipment, personnel, and other factors in power plant operation, and uses PLC communication monitoring shutdowns/optimizers to ensure the safety of power plant personnel and equipment operation.

    • Clearer

      The Acloud platform is supported by massive module level database collection and analysis technology, and analyzes and synchronously displays data, truly achieving comprehensive visualization of power plant operation data and transparent and concise operation and maintenance processes.

    • Faster

      The seamless connection between the Acloud smart cloud platform and the offline operation and maintenance team can efficiently achieve: accurate and fast fault localization; Rapid response to operations and maintenance; The operation and maintenance business process is traceable.

    • More detailed

      Accumulated 30 days of detailed operational data for each module, facilitating module performance comparison and tracking analysis

    • Applicable to v2.5/v3.0 scheme

      This product is suitable for both Aichang v2.5 and v3.0 solutions

parameter function web APP
List of power stations Overview of power plants
Power plant view
Equipment monitoring
Evaluation analysis
Alarm display
Report Management
Large screen display Weather warning
KPI display
Mocha ITOM Safe shutdown
Alarm Statistics
Work Order Management
Route planning
Video presentation
System settings Power plant modeling
Power Station Management